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Sunday Adelaja'sBlog

Sunday’s Nuggets From Pastor Sunday.

de: 31 . 01 . 16


  • “The wealth the wicked is laid up for the righteous” is a major doctrine in prosperity circles.
  • The emphasis is on the fact that God wants to take wealth from the sinner and give it to believers.
  • The entire verse says “A good man leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.”
  • God said it, nevertheless when preached this way there is contradiction in the very principles of Gods nature.
  • The principles of justice of God would not allow collecting the wealth of the wicked to give to the Christian.
  • This is because Prov. 24:4 teaches that the diligent worker would prosper, no matter whether that worker is a believer or not.
  • God makes people rich because of diligence and hard work not because they are followers of one or the other prosperity teacher.
  • There is even a more tragic consequence of this direction of thinking; which is that it wraps the underlying sense of love, kindness and fairness or its subscribers.
  • Whereas the Bible teaches us to love our enemies.
  • This kind of teaching ends up causing us to hope and pray for the downfall or misfortune of the unbelieving wealthy, so that we can dispose them of that wealth we have been eyeing.
  • The right way to look at Prov.13:22 is that we reach wealth when the righteous produce a better product than anyone else on the market!
  • This is because the righteous would produce excellent goods and services not only to impress people, but also to please God.


By Pastor Sunday Adelaja


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2 Comments to “Sunday’s Nuggets From Pastor Sunday.”
Thanks pastor, I love your daily nuggets, I live in Ghana, I visit ur blog 3 times daily. and I ve been sharing your daily nuggets with 200 people on my whatsapp contacts list everyday . God bless you so much the great work.
Pastor, I am indeed overwhelmed by these brief but great teachings. I have been stucked with some very bothering questions in my heart concerning Christianity and life. I have never been more encouraged in my life now. I would like to read more of this articles and I am sure to bookmark this page for more enlightenment. Thanks

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