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Sunday Adelaja'sBlog

Tuesday’s Nuggets From Pastor Sunday.

de: 22 . 12 . 15


  • We are made to bless each other through our labor.
  • You will not fulfill your potential in Gods kingdom without hard work.
  • People fail in life because they refuse to put their gifts to work.
  • The resources you need to impose the kingdom on your sphere of influence are inside of you and they will never really be manifested except through hard work.
  • God has given everyone the chance to become successful through hard work.


By Pastor Sunday Adelaja

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One Comments to “Tuesday’s Nuggets From Pastor Sunday.”
Our Dear Pastor Sunday sir, I so much believe this facts, and all I want now is to be a blessing to humanity,I've resolved to work hard in doing whatever it takes for me to achieve success, I understand that I must make use of all my talents, with all that I am and all that I have so that I will not fail. I agree with you that the resources I need to impose the kingdom in my sphere of influence are inside and within me and that they will never manifest without hard work. Thank God for given us equal privileges to become successful! we thank you sir for constantly teaching and blessing us, lots of love for you and all yours season greetings from Plateau state Jos Nigeria.

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