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Sunday Adelaja'sBlog

(eng) Unbelievable!! Dr. Olukoya of MFM Is An Agent Of The Devil & An Advocate Of Evil- {Video}

de: 03 . 01 . 19
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2 Comments to “(eng) Unbelievable!! Dr. Olukoya of MFM Is An Agent Of The Devil & An Advocate Of Evil- {Video}”
You are absolutely correct Pastor Sunday. I raised alarm many years ago about this man but people thought i was making no sense, The man exalt Satanism over Jesus. it is spirit-ism to inculcate fear in the people while minoring on Christ's victory
He is not an agent of Satan. He is a Child of God, but is out of Balance. And his teachings might make people more devil conscious than Holy Spirit conscious...... I have learnt so much about the strategies of Satan and his evil agents all around us. This knowledge has helped me cast out demons, helped me frustrate the tokens of the wicked and has helped me to identify and nullify the works of evil unfriendly friends. Each day. You may not understand because you don't live in the midst of wicked evil people. But Pastor his revelations are very real and have been very helpful

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