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(eng) Are You A Feminist?

de: 18 . 11 . 16
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One Comments to “(eng) Are You A Feminist?”
1 Timothy: 2. 11. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Have you ever read that passage Dr. Bien? I think it should apply to you. You don't inspire women as much as you think you do. An unbroken preacher will only transmit pride from his/her soul life. Any teaching not coming from the Spirit is so unacceptable by God. If you think you are not a feminist then go and listen to oprah and tell if there's much difference from her teachings with yours. A christian woman must first exude humility not authority. This is littered everywhere in the scriptures. 1 Timothy: 2. 9. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10. But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Please research the words, shamefacedness and sobriety; two qualities the Lord must bless you with in Jesus name. It really cuts my heart each time you ask the question; "who talks like that in the 21st century?" Are you following the world's trend and assume to lead christian women? Does the standard of God change? Does He follow up on trends of men? Teach us from the scriptures and stop putting God's word to no effect by the traditions on men. It is very clear from the scriptures that men and women have different roles to play in God's scheme of things. Only here men judge by their standards, which is a greater role and which is less. In the eyes of God, the lady who plays a background role of intercession, homekeeping or ministry of helps in the church might have done a greater thing than the man who planted churches in all the nations of the world. Selfish ambition is the work of the flesh and amazingly thats what most of the preachers teach today. Any ambition given to oneself by him or herself is defined as selfish (soulish) ambition. Find out your role from God and stay in it. Don't tell people that some roles are better than others, that's an unrighteous judgment. Men will praise many preachers today but when the Righteous Judge takes His seat, many will be shocked how much lawlessness they have practised. I appreciate your zeal Sister but I am not convinced it is from the spirit life; it stems from the soul life and it needs to be broken so that the real treasure in your spirit may flow out. I am sorry to write this hear...the only way i can reach you. I am not better than you in anyway. God must continue to work in us all to fully yield to His will.

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