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Sunday Adelaja'sBlog

Saturday’s Nuggets From Pastor Sunday.

de: 16 . 01 . 16
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  • Inner discontentment and frustration are reasons enough to stop expecting further financial blessings at least for now.
  • Of course one can go into the world and start making money by worldly means, but in the end that is not the solution.
  • Money will destroy us if that is all we are seeking.
  • Money should bless and not kill its possessor.
  • For money not to control and destroy you, you must be wealthy in Values, knowledge and principles.


By Pastor Sunday Adelaja

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2 Comments to “Saturday’s Nuggets From Pastor Sunday.”
How are you sir I'm a 33 years old man from zambia I was born again in 1999 but I have never enjoyed any financial advantage in business or my life what ever money I get is through sweat and debts I read a lot of books on how people situation turned from bad to worse but mine keeps getting worse I'm married with 2 beautiful girls but I'm now failing to fully provide for them I'm into selling phones and cars and since now I have no capital I act as an agent but it has been so hard as I'm not making any daily transactions please sir advice me thank you
Sometimes it's difficult in life to break even but some principal can help you through. Such principals are as follows; 1; Real winner don't back out, so be stronger and trust in God 2; make your business your hobby 3; save from no matter how small But in all the key to success is seeing people's problem as your problem and get a paid solution to it, so the more problem your solve the richer your become.Thank you

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